Home » Scanpan Review – CTX-10 piece Deluxe Cookware set

Scanpan Review – CTX-10 piece Deluxe Cookware set

by cookware Lab

scanpan review

The Scanpan was first made in 1956 with the main purpose of creating finest cookware that ever was. The cookware is made from a hand cast aluminum that greatly contributes to its durability and its great appearance. The non-stick coating is however made from titanium that highly speaks of the Scanpan CTX-10 piece Deluxe set brand quality.

This scan pan CTX-10 piece comes with some amazing and advanced features that are expected from its manufacturer who has been associated with the great product of high quality for over 50 years. The manufacturer has always produced products that have proven to live beyond the people’s expectations.

Enticing features about Scanpan Review – CTX-10 piece Deluxe Cookware set

The scanpan uses fantastic materials. Various brands of the non-stick are most made with flimsy materials which scratch, dent or crack. The scan pan CTX-10 piece, however, is made of a mixture of both stainless steel and aluminum. This ensures a high-quality product with great strength. The aluminum is made with loads of care since it’s a hand cast.

Created with their ceramic coating. The ceramic coating that is used on this scan pan CTX- 10 pieces has been panted and designed by scan pan brand. This coating is, however, a mixture of both titanium and ceramic. The mixture ensures it does not scratch, chip or crack. There are no other cookware brands that have this type of layers.

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While cooking, you can use any utensil. Many non-stick pans and pots are made out of a coating that will chip when it is roughly handled. So that the coating does not chip, several companies have recommended their clients to make use of the non-abrasive materials while they cook. These non-abrasive materials include wood. But since the scan pans’ panted coating has been made from ceramic and titanium, it can perfectly stand the beatings that can sometimes arise from the metal utensils.

The scanpan review CTX can turn one to a gourmet cook. When using this cookware, you may realize your food is becoming better. This is because the set has been manufactured from great materials. There is an even distribution of heat and a tough metal. Both factors allow the cook to deg laze and sear the food, a feature that may not be found on other non-stick pans.

Heats evenly. The mixture of stainless steel and aluminum helps in even distribution of heat through the cookware. If this mixture was not the case, the food might warm up in one place more than in other places. The food shall burn in one part and remain raw in other parts if this was not the case.

The set can be used on used on top of all stoves. Having an induction stove and a glass top, one can be picky on which cookware to buy. However having this scan pan, one can use it on all types of stoves. For a guaranteed success on the induction stove, the scanpan is magnetized.

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  • This set is easy to use and clean
  • The set is made of recycled aluminum
  • It can perfectly be used for frying
  • It has an 18/10 stainless steel handle.


  • It has a high price
  • Over time, the pan may stain


Customer questions and answers

Q.   What’s the major difference between CSX and CTX?

  • A.   CSX is a stainless cookware whereas the CTX is a stainless cookware that is non-stick

Q.   Does the lid just fit on the pot or can it also fit on the frying pans?

  • A.   On the larger fry pan, the lid fits well but not the one of 8.”

Final Verdict

There is no end of the explanation that the scanpan has been a good choice of many and has served people with grace for many years.

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